Of Pictures and Scenes

Memories are a fickle thing, aren’t they? And yet we spend the majority of our lives living through them. Each second that ticks away is another entry in the book that is our mind. Each moment passes us by. The Now. A single point in the time stream. It never stays stationary, what was Now quickly turned into Then. The only means we have to appreciate each passing moment is by seeing through the clouds of our mind. That leads to the question, why do we so eager to place our trust in them?

This story started in a mundane evening, where restlessness took me away to the Place. The boys are watching a film nearing its final act. A scene where the main character had just woken up from a psychotic breakdown, talking with his doctor. That was when I questioned aloud, “is there something missing?”

I have watched the film before. I swore that the dialogue had been different. The main character should have been saying that he was not trying to kill himself, that he was just trying to be able to feel something. There should have been a scene showing his wrist, cut, and bandaged as he was saying that. And yet there was nothing of the sort.

A friend of mine that had watched the film before said that there had been no such scene, the scene had gone the way it was supposed to. Of course I insisted on the contrary. How could it be so when I could clearly picture the missing scene in my mind?

Then an exquisite thing happened, another friend of mine spoke up. She said that she had also seen the scene that I was describing before. A testimony that I was not alone in having seen the scene.

Now, this friend of mine, she is quite the lovely lady. If I were to describe her, I would say that she is a burning ember. Full of unbridled joy, lively, passionate, a fiery creature of beauty. But there is also a hint of bitterness there. Hidden beneath the anger that at times would manifest itself as a torrent of fire. Something dark, black as charcoal would be even as it smoulders on. Something that could have only come from having went through pain. A pain that would follow in the trail of one or a few disappointments. But I digress.

To close the matter at hand, I said that perhaps the film I had watched was a different version, an extended cut, or something of the kind. Not quite being able to believe that my memories had been wrong. Especially when another had confirmed to have seen the same scene.

When I got home, I could not stop thinking about it. It was hanging heavy on my mind. So I did the only logical thing that would put the matter to rest. I put the film on and gone through it looking for the missing scene.

I could not find it.

A fickle thing, isn’t it? Memories. Not only have I not found any answer, I am now left with more questions. Where did it come from, the scene as it was pictured in my mind, as clear as the light of day? Why did she say that she had also seen it if there was nothing of such? Had we both been remembering a picture from a different scene? Or were we just so eager to see what we wanted to see?

Teknik Fisika ITB

Program Studi Teknik Fisika ITB adalah suatu program studi yang terletak di bawah naungan Fakultas Teknologi Industri ITB. Teknik Fisika ITB didirikan pada tahun 1950 atas prakasa ketua Fakulteit Teknik Univesitas Indonesia dengan nama Natuurkundig Ingenieur Afdeling sebagai suatu jurusan pendidikan teknik yang dikelola oleh Prof. Dr.Ir. A. Nawijn. Baru pada tahun 1959 pendidikan teknik tersebut diberi nama Bagian Fisika Teknik yang tergabung dalam Departemen Fisika/Fisika Teknik, dengan ketua Prof.Ir. M.U. Adhiwijogo.

Teknik Fisika ITB didirikan dengan tujuan untuk menjembatani konsep pengetahuan fisika yang modern dan terkini dengan implementasinya sehingga dapat berperan dalam penerapan maupun pengembangan teknologi yang berlatar belakang ilmu fisika juga mempercepat proses perwujudan suatu teknologi baru. Teknik Fisika berorientasi pada ilmu rekayasa (engineering) yang ditunjang ilmu pengetahuan dasar (science) yang kokoh khususnya ilmu Fisika dan Matematika. Hal ini berkesesuaian dengan visi dan misi Teknik Fisika ITB.

Visi Teknik Fisika ITB adalah menjadi Program Studi kelas dunia yang menghasilkan sarjana dengan fondasi kuat dalam fisika dan dasar rekayasa sehingga mampu menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan rekayasa. Dengan mengemban Misi:
1. Menyelenggarakan program pengajaran untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu merancang, memfungsikan dan menganalisa sistem yang melibatkan lebih dari satu gejala dan atau besaran fisika,
2. Menyediakan lingkungan belajar yang kohesif untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengembangan dan pelayanan dalam bidang-bidang instrumentasi dan kontrol, fisika bangunan dan akustik, komputasi dan proses material, dan optik.

Teknik Fisika ITB memiliki empat kelompok bidang keahlian:
1. Kelompok Bidang Keahlian Instrumentasi dan Kontrol, memiliki bidang kajian yang meliputi teknologi instrumentasi dan sistem pengukuran serta kontrol.
2. Kelompok Bidang Keahlian Fisika Bangunan, Akustik dan Energi, memiliki bidang kajian yang meliputi kenyamanan dalam suatu bangunan terkait akustik, pencahayaan dan termal, serta berbagai bentuk energi dan konversinya.
3. Kelompok Bidang Keahlian Rekayasa Bahan (Semi konduktor, Super konduktor, Komposit, Bahan Elektronik), memiliki bidang kajian yang meliputi desain dan komputasi material serta proses material.
4. Kelompok Bidang Keahlian Optik dan Laser, memiliki bidang kajian yang meliputi aplikasi dan desain laser, dan bahan terkait sifat optiknya seperti serat optik.

Keempat kelompok bidang keahlian tersebut tergabung dalam dua kelompok keahlian:
1. Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Fisika, yang memiliki kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan dalam bidang Engineering Science, dengan fokus pada: Ilmu dan Teknologi Nano, Komputasi & Pemrosesan Material, Akustik (Perancangan, Pengukuran, Pemodelan & Komputasi), Teknik Pengendalian Bising dan Getaran, Pencahayaan (Perancangan, Pengukuran, Pemodelan & Komputasi), Ilmu dan Rekayasa Termal, Otomasi Industri, Konservasi Energi.
2. Kelompok Keahlian Instrumentasi dan Kontrol, yang memiliki bidang kajian teknologi instrumentasi dan sistem pengukuran serta kontrol.

Seorang engineer teknik fisika yang memiliki dasar science dan engineering yang kuat diharapkan mampu mengembangkan dirinya di dalam berbagai bidang keilmuan atau kerekayasaan lainnya. Dengan bekal ilmu dasar tersebut, seorang engineer teknik fisika dapat berkiprah di berbagai bidang dan menyerap berbagai ilmu baru dengan cepat. Tak melulu seorang engineer teknik fisika harus selalu berkiprah di bidang yang terkait langsung dengan fisika. Bagi seorang engineer teknik fisika, semua bidang ilmu dapat ia pelajari dan ia kuasai untuk mendukung kegiatannya. Baik sebagai engineer, apapun macam dan bidangnya, ataupun bidang lain seperti sebagai entrepreneur.

Hal inilah yang membuat saya tertarik pada Teknik Fisika ITB. Dengan dasar science dan engineering yang saya dapatkan di Teknik Fisika ITB, saya berharap dapat terjun ke berbagai bidang engineering. Pada dasarnya saya tertarik akan segala macam hal berbau science dan technology. Diantaranya yang terkait dengan Teknik Fisika ITB adalah akan masalah akustik, instrumentasi, serta pemodelan (baik sistem dan gejala fisis lainnya). Ketertarikan saya tersebut sangatlah cocok dengan bidang-bidang yang ada di Teknik Fisika ITB. Bahkan dalam kegiatan saya sehari-hari, sudah banyak kesempatan bagi saya untuk menerapkan ilmu-ilmu yang saya terima di Teknik Fisika dalam hobi saya terkait musik. Harapan saya setelah lulus dari Teknik Fisika ITB, saya ingin mencari pengalaman di dunia nyata dalam bidang engineering terkait minat dengan bekal ilmu yang saya terima di Teknik Fisika ITB, tentunya sambil terus menimba ilmu.

Shani Hadiyanto
133 08 002

Teknik Fisika ITB

How to fix bdf or pcf fonts that cannot be used by xft

I installed dina-fonts from the aur after reading about it. It installed fine and I’m able to use it as the font in rxvt if i set this:

urxvt.font: -*-dina-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1

But the font wont work if I use it with xft, of from other GUI apps. For example, open office lists dina_r400-13.bdf.pcf.gz as of the available fonts. But selecting them shows another font instead (Monospace). I googled for the problem, and found this two threads:
Why can I not use Dina-font as a Xft font?(SOLVED)
Dina for Linux/X11 – solved
Basically, the problem is that the font does not have the correct headers needed by xft in them. The solution is simple, convert the font into bdf, and then add the needed header manually. There are two ways to convert them into bdf. If you have the original .fon files and wine, you can use the fon2bdf tool. Or you can use pcf2bdf to convert them from pcf.
After that open the bdf file in a text editor (I use vim) and add the correct header according to the second thread.
Here’s the wikipedia page for reference, look under the X Window Properties heading: Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format on Wikipedia
You also need to fix these lines:

SIZE -1 96 96 # these should be SIZE $(POINT_SIZE/10) RESOLUTION_X RESOLUTION_Y
SIZE 10 96 96 # Example for a font with POINT_SIZE 100
#and also
STARTPROPERTIES 10 # this is the number of lines between STARTPROPERTIES and ENDPROPERTIES
STARTPROPERTIES 14 # my dina-font has these many properties

If there is a lot of files to fix then this fixbdf.py python script by Jay Bromley could be used to add the missing property – thank you very much for providing the script, I uploaded the script so it would be easier to get for other people, the link is http://www.sendspace.com/file/fkrzo6 just in case. Unfortunately it did not fix the SIZE line and set the number of properties in STARTPROPERTIES wrong for me. So I had to change them manually.
After that you could use the fonts as bdf fonts or convert them into pcf fonts using bdftopcf.

Kuliaaaah agaaain


Mulai juga ne kuliah.

Tapi bener deh lieur. perwalian online, bikin lieur, pilih kelas yang mana, bikin lieur, mana gw salah daftar kelas pula.. kacaw be ge te deh.. mesti pe er es pula jadinya. Heuu heuuu. Tapi gapapa, dengan semangat dan keteguhan hati ku yakin bisa melalui perkuliahan ini dengan lebih baik lagi..

Hmm, continuing from my last post about installing arch linux on my laptop. Ive installed the whole system, the wireless part was easy actually, only needed to download the tarball for broadcom-wl and then do makepkg to compile them. After that it’s only a matter of starting wpa_supplicant with the correct config. Ive managed to set netcfg to start wireless on boot using the example config, i pointed netcfg to use my wpa_supplicant.conf. The only trouble i have is when I use this laptop in a net cafe somewhere. I use wifi-select to create a new profile, and then append DHCLIENT=yes to the profile (later, I will edit the script so it adds the line automatically) and run it manually using netcfg $PROFILE (might not be needed once i add DHCLIENT=yes to the default profile made by wifi-select). And then commenting a few entry in etc/resolv.conf, since Ive set up a dnsmasq for dns caching using my ISP dns server.

Awesome was pretty easy to install,I only needed to set the volume widget, copying from awesome wiki, and changin the key binding syntax to awesome 3.3 syntax. The only thing quite confusing was how to set the wallpaper. Apparently awsetbg needed feh (or other program to set the bg). Everything was working quite smooth actually. Including dual screen with xrandr.

My application choices is firefox for browsing,

mpd+ncmpc for music playing.

geeqie + comix + feh +imagemagick for image viewing depend on the image

Im using pidgin for IM and weechat for IRC.

I used to use screen in ubuntu (using byobu / screen-profile). But I rarely use it here in arch, I could always adds a new term on another tag, so I didnt have a need for it yet.

The term im using is urxvt-256colors, using a zenburn scheme i got from the forums, edited to add ‘fake’ transparency.

Last thing I did was installing fish, I have only read about it, but curiosity got to me. For now I really like it, some conventions are different with bash, so most of my scripts still use bash or sh, but for my general use im using fish. I did not change my shell into fish though, it’s still bash. I run urxvt -e /usr/bin/fish so that urxvt uses fish. Really like its default colorscheme and tab completion, cos I didnt know how to set bash to do what i want.

Hmm, for the next post maybe I’ll add a tutorial on the steps and the configs I use to install arch here.

so many choices to make..

aaaaaagh.. okay, this is my first post here, dan binuuun maw ngebahas apah..

let see let see, akhirnya memutuskan untuk pake WP juga sebagai tempat nge-blog, dah sempet daftar ke LJ, tapi sistemnya yang ada friend2 semacam FB gitu membuatku malas.

Kenapa begitu banyak pilihan yaach..?? buat blogging ada Blogger.com, WP, LJ, tumblr, ga keitung.. in the end i chose WP’s clean interface over the others, i hope I made the right choice. Now then, the next thing im still undecided is browser. I could choose QTWeb, K-Meleon or Firefox for my windows box. Ive been using QTWeb for some time, but it had a problem with wordpress redirects. And then there’s K-Meleon, it’s nice,  WP works (infact im using K-Meleon to post this one), but i have yet to see any advantage over the others. And then there’s Firefox. I guess it’s still the best, with dozens of important addons, works for every website, nice history autocomplete in the toolbar. I just wished it has a better keyboard interface. Luckily I found vimperator for firefox, I really like it’s vi-like interface (duh, it’s called vimperator), just need a little practice a bit. The thing with vimperator is that the status bar is missing if i went to fullscreen mode (F11)
, havent googled for it though, perhaps it’s fixable. Now, in then, after trying QTWeb and K-Meleon, i think im going back to firefox. Oh Well.

So what is there left for me to choose. Hmm, My Linux Box of course.. I wanted to install Arch, but I have to wait for a new harddisk first, cos i want a backup of my kubuntu install, just in case. Now, im still confused over the installation process, had been trying to install using qemu, but since the hardware is different, i guess there isn’t much point in it then. Since my laptop’s ethernet fried, then I’ll need to install a broadcom-wl driver for it. I have downloaded the files, and read the instructions, it’s only a matter of trying it for real. And then there’s wpa_supplicant, using wpa_supplicant is very easy actually, i had expected it to be harder. I tried using wpa_supplicant to configure my wireless after turning off the nm-applet (on kubuntu). Some tutorials said to enter lots of things in the conf, but it did not work if i do that. Perhaps my setup need different configuration. And then I read the docs, decided to try the default settings, so I only entered ESSID and key, and it worked like a charm. I hope it would be that smooth when I install arch later.

That reminds me, I need to make a checklist of things to do after installing arch.




a WM (dwm, wmii, awesome, still undecided)

a filemanager (mc, vifm, hmm.. what should i use)


finch, or bitlbee if there’s a fix for ym protocol 16



comix, or other picture browser (really liked gwenview, but im trying to avoid kdelibs)

Firefox with vimperator, downthemall, adblockplus, twitterfox, identifox


ruby for dependencies (i dont remember though)


lots of VCS/DVCS (hg, git, bzr, svn, cvs. or i might not need cvs)

office suite (OO.o i think)

on my kubuntu installation i had installed koffice, i wanted to try krita and karbon, but already used to gimp and inkscape, so i havent had the chance to try them. I wonder if i’ll install koffice again or not. but since im not going to use kde then i’ll try not to install the kdelibs.

Hmm, I think that’s enough for now. Im going to practice using vimperator again.. huaahahahha..